Galleri Astley
739 92 Skinnskatteberg
Tel. 076-310 8560
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Elisabeth 070-778 1147
Hans 070-372 5409


Måndag-Fredag kl. 11 - 15, Lördag, Söndag, Helgdag kl. 11-17 samt efter överenskommelse

STÄNGT Julafton och Juldagen

Fri entré

Café: Café Guldmisteln serverar gott hembakat kaffebröd och smörgåsar.

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Guidade visningar av utställningar enl. överenskommelse
Pris för visningar 1.250.- (varav mvs. 250.-)/ 25 personer ca. 90 min.
Hitta hit: koordinater N 59.744864 E15.665055
eller se kartan nedan


Galleri Astley

Nestled in the Swedish countryside’s lush embrace lies Galleri Astley, a unique and exciting Art Center, renowned amongst the art-interested in Sweden and the world alike. Here you can find the works of Sweden’s foremost artists, and the works of many international artists as well. It holds two buildings; a gallery, a museum and a sculpture park. All forms of expressions are represented from the figurative to the abstract, through painting, sculpture and prints.

Galleri Astley was founded by Astley Nyhlén and his family in the fall of 1968 in Köping. In the spring of 1977 the gallery moved to its new location in Uttersberg into the old railway station that was built in 1897. In this old and beautifully restored building Galleri Astley show 10 to 12 exhibitions a year. Galleri Astley also arranges exhibitions with Swedish artists that are presented at major museums abroad and also invites foreign artists to work and live in a peaceful and inspiring place.

The finely restored old brick storage building houses The Tree of Life Museum by Ernst Neizvestny.  The top floor is a permanent space for the artworks of this Russian born artist.  It also holds a grand piano and a few concerts a year takes place here with top musicians, from classical to jazz. On the second floor the exhibitions are varied and change regularly. They can be a mix of art from Galleri Astley’s own collection, the borrowed work of private collectors or one man shows. The bottom floor contains Café Guldmisteln with renowned home baked cookies and cakes for those in need of a coffee break. Here is also our Design boutique with specialty items in glass and ceramic, one of a kind jewellery pieces, art books, posters and cards. In our Print room you find a wide selection of original prints for sale, many printed in Uttersberg.    


Between the gallery and the museum lies the sculpture park. The park consists of sculptures in variety of materials. In the roundhouse where the train engines were once turned now stands an authentic Haida totem pole carved in place in 1990 by DonYeomans. Other artists represented are Adeola Balogun, Olle Bonnier, Olle Brandqvist, Lenny Clarhäll, Lars Englund, Lars-Erik Falk, Claes Hake, Hanns Karlewski, Pierre Olofsson, Alf Olsson, Amalia Årfelt, among others.

Galleri Astley also has its own frame shop and a printmaking workshop for serigraphs. Guest artists from China, France, Germany, Ireland, Nigeria, Russia, Spain and USA have made their editions here. 


The Museum Tree of Life by Ernst Neizvestny

“Neizvestny’s work is all about humans’ ability to endure, about humans’ pain but also of our strength. His works can never be harmonious, peaceful or rounded because it is about a never ending struggle”. It was these words written by Torsten Bergmark in the late 60’s, published in the Swedish daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter, that made Astley Nyhlén curious enough to travel to Moscow to meet with the sculptor in his studio. This meeting was the start of a lifelong friendship that years later brought Ernst to Uttersberg after he was allowed to leave the Soviet Union in 1976. Ernst was the first exhibitor at Galleri Astley when it opened in Uttersberg on May 14, 1977. The exhibition was a success and Ernst Neizvestny had found a place he enjoyed so much that he returned every summer for more than a decade to work in this calm and peaceful environment. His days were filled with hours of painting, sculpting, drawing and even time for a relaxing swim in the nearby stream. This was an important contrast to the hectic life in New York City. When the gallery expanded its grounds by purchasing an old 3 storey, brick warehouse for renovation, Ernst created 18 large paintings specifically to fit the slanted ceilings on the top floor. This was the beginning of The Tree of Life Museum by Ernst Neizvestny. Today the museum holds a significant and large collection of Neizvestny’s works from the 1950’s and forward. Ernst Neizvestny is an international artist known for, among others, the Assuan monument in Egypt and the tombstone of Nikita Chrusjtjov.  He was commissioned to make the grave monument despite an argument he had with Chrusjtjov almost a decade earlier at his exhibition at the Manezh in Moscow, 1962. Since the mid 90’s Neizvestny has made a number of monumental sculptures in Russia.  In 2004 his 6 meter high, gilded bronze sculpture Tree of Life was inaugurated at the newly built Bagration Bridge Financial Centre in Moscow.

The Ernst Neizvestny museum dedicated to his art work was opened in Yekaterinburg, the city of his birth, on his 88th birthday April 9, 2013.

Ernst Neizvestny died 2016 in New York.